Friday, November 12, 2010


My breakfast confuses me. The package of cinnamon raisin bread boasted there were 50% more raisins. I'm curious where they came up with that figure. 50% more than what? I can only assume they mean from 'before'. So, does that mean there were only a 50% ratio to begin with and they were short changing me all these years? Denying everyone more raisins and rationing them like squirrels hoarding nuts? But that then begs the question 50% ratio of what? Raisins to bread? Half raisins, half bread? Now that there is 50% more I know I'm not getting 100% of raisins. That would be just a raisin. No bread. Let's say there were 100% of raisins originally and now they have added 50% more. Nobody needs that many damn raisins.

Oh well. Now I have a headache and my toast is getting cold.


Jackie said...

no more raisins!!!!! additionally, toss the percentages too, it's too early for all that :)

EG said...

It's never too early for these things. I'm going to get you a pack of raisins for Christmas now.