Monday, February 11, 2008

I'ma bloggin' again.

This blog is of personal interest. I have no real direction for it, but I guarantee that it will be amusing. I promise you will never have to sit through a blog about anything uncomfortably private or anything involving Paris Hilton. Unless it is to announce her untimely demise.

Now on to the meme!

I was tagged by Susan to do this book meme.

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

Once you cut it, even on a simple laptop or Mac, you are cutting something as if you're cutting a negative. Which means that when you finally cut it together, all you need to do is export the finished result, which would consist of a couple of thousand edits and sound dissolves and so on. Once you've done that - and it's very complex, there's two tracks for the visual and maybe ten tracks for the sound and so on - you can export it as a single package.

Digital Filmmaking by Mike Figgis

I'm not sure who to tag. So I won't. I apologize.


Rob said...

If Paris Hilton died, wouldn't it be a timely demise? Or is it untimely in the sense that it should have happened sooner?

EG said...

Well, I suppose untimely in the sense that she is our age and shouldn't die quite yet...I'd feel like I did it if she died tomorrow.