Saturday, February 23, 2008

"Bigger Kitty"

Last night after leaving Mama Elaine's it was late enough to where it was straight to bed time. She was pretty much asleep in the car, but of course as soon as we got inside, she was wide awake. With her jacket and boots still on, she stood right in front of her easel and announced it was art time. I said she had only a few minutes and that as soon as I take my coat off and put some of her toys away, it was time for bed. I walk into her room and she is diligently drawing something. I could tell she was focused because her tongue was sticking out a little bit. I look over her shoulder and she was carefully drawing whiskers for her "bigger kitty". I couldn't believe how much it actually looks like a cat! She showed me very proudly and I gave her a "bigger" hug.


Susan K said...

Wow! That child is amazing.

Tim said...

She is amazing. And apparently that's a rainbow above the kitty.