Thursday, November 20, 2008

Filler before bed.

Is it just me or did that title seem a bit dirty?

1. Five names you go by:

a. Erin
b. Rinny
c. Rindo
d. Rin Spin OR Rin Grin
e. Honey Chunks (as of right this moment)

2. Three things you are wearing right now:

a. black tank top
b. blue hoodie on backwards
c. thermal pants

3. Two things you want very badly at the moment:

a. a hostess cupcake
b. to be warm

4. Three people who will probably fill this out:

I nominate Susan. And two other people.

5. Two things you did last night:

a. watched Arrested Development
b. watched Little Britain

it was an exciting evening.

6. Two things you ate today:

a. cinnamon raisin english muffin w/butter
b. sweet & sour soup

7. Two people you last talked to on the phone:

a. Tim
b. receptionist at the dentist's office

8. Two things you are going to do tomorrow:

a. a balancing act
b. bend over backwards

9. Two longest car rides:

a. Chicago to Los Angeles
b. Chicago to Atlanta

10. Two of your favorite beverages:

a. Cranberry juice
b. Pomegranate Green Tea


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