Friday, June 13, 2008


I was lurking around my brother's livejournal and going through the archives and came across this gem. I can't say for sure why I ended up there. I just did. Today is a very lazy movie watching, interneting, baby farting kind of day.

This is titled simply, Goth Poetry.
by Colin.

I am the salt, so sexy and clean
I can take garbage around to the next level of sin
If you were a human you can see what it's like to be me
Boom-shak-a-laka, boom-shak-a-laka, boom
I can eat six plates in a row
This sandwich won't go unrewarded
Pork is salty, which denotes my sadness
I feel like an American couch, imported
A bomb in your eyes is worth two in the bush
Ab am debuh ham bam debuh clam bam debuh
This poem is almost over
It's never over

What kind of goth/emo poetry can you come up with?

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